FO: Scrappy Granny Shawl

I made this back in August, but didn’t post about it, because I’m terrible at blogging. We’ve established this. ;P

The pattern can be found here. I used scraps of whatever I had in my stash, and my trusty 6 mm crochet hook, and managed to hook it up in a matter of days. It was a quick decision to make it, as my mom and I were going to be seeing my aunty for her birthday and I wanted to make her something.

I also bought a couple of skeins of yarn for it, mainly for the edging, because I was running really low on any one stash yarn and I wanted the edging to be uniform. I really wish I could remember what the yarn was called, but I have lost the wrappers that went with it, and my memory is the worst. I do know it was chunky and had sparkly bits in it and I got it at Michael’s. It might have been Lion Brand?

Oh HO! I have just done a Google Image search for sparkly yarns and found the one it was — Bernat Satin Sparkle in Amethyst*. Apparently it says it’s worsted, but the one I got feels pretty chunky. Anyway, it is really nice and sparkly, and I did pick up 2 skeins in Amethyst and one skein in a dark red color which I think was called Cabernet.

In the pictures you can see my mom modelling it after I photographed it lying on our motel bed in Sechelt. (We were there for the Festival of the Written Arts, and my Aunty happened to be there at the same time, so we met up.)

As for my aunty’s reaction…it was a HUGE hit. 🙂

*(Links to Amazon from here are affiliate links — I get a small commission if you end up buying from Amazon after clicking the link. You don’t get charged extra.)

Currently working on: still crocheting the popsicle for Korben and doing 2 knitting orders right now. (I sometimes sell my knitting for extra cash around this time of year.)

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